BA.5 is a sub-variant of the Omicron coronavirus variant.
COVID by the Metrics
North Carolina's published COVID-19 metrics continue to rise.
Responding to COVID Exposure
The Deerfield Clinic conducts a case investigation of all COVID exposures.
BA.2 Dominant Variant of COVID-19
Masking is once again encouraged in public indoor spaces.
COVID-19 Boosters
Being fully vaccinated protects against the most severe outcomes of infection.
Upgrade Your Mask For Increased Protection
The best masks are the N95, KN95 and KF94.
The Omicron Surge Begins
Now is a time to consider yourself vulnerable to infection.
COVID-19 Vaccines & Boosters
No vaccine is infallible.
No Wait Time Necessary
No wait time between your Flu Vaccine and COVID-19 Booster.
So You Think You Have a Cold or Allergies?
The common cold and COVID-19 transmit the same way.
COVID-19 Booster Shots
Deerfield will offer on-site COVID-19 boosters to our residents and employees.
Buncombe County Reinstates Mask Mandates
Masks are required in all indoor public spaces at Deerfield.
New Campus COVID-19 Protocols
Deerfield now requires employee COVID-19 vaccination.
Relaxing COVID-19 Restrictions
Deerfield is carefully reopening our campus to visitors.
Face Masks Not Required Outdoors
Fully vaccinated persons are no longer required to wear masks outdoors.
COVID-19 Is Not Yet Over.
The protection offered by vaccines is not infallible.
Visitation of Health Center Residents Now Permitted
Scheduling appointments will no longer be necessary.
CDC Vaccine Update
Public Health Recommendations for Fully Vaccinated People
Socialization Post-Immunization Advice
The mitigation measures of masking and social distancing are still needed.
96% of Independent Living Residents Fully Immunized
Grand Reopenings of dining venues on campus!
You Got Your 2nd Dose of the COVID-19 Vaccine. Now What?
Even fully immunized persons should continue to practice the 3 Ws.
COVID-19 Second Dose “Side Effects”
Avoid Pre-Medicating in Anticipation of Second Dose “Side Effects”
Emerging SARS-CoV2 Variants
SARS-CoV2 variants transmit more readily than COVID-19.
Deerfield’s Resident Vaccinations
The beacon of hope we have been awaiting has arrived!
The Vaccine – A Beacon of Hope
Deerfield is among the first in the region to be vaccinated.
COVID-19 Trending in NC
North Carolinian's are directed to adhere to state regulations.
Parting Thoughts at the Close of a Most Difficult Year
2020 was a year filled with anxiety, grief and loss.
Buncombe County Escalates Gathering Restrictions
The number of new cases has inflated by 158% since November.
So You Think You Have a Cold (or Allergies)?
COVID-19 consists of an array of symptoms.
Mask DOs, DON’Ts & TIPS
Important things to know about selection, wearing and cleaning facemasks.
Stay Safe: Enjoy a Homebound Winter Holiday
Choosing to stay home helps to protect your loved ones’ health.
COVID-19 Vaccines Are on the Way!
Experts expect both vaccines will be granted FDA approval.
We Know What Works
Hope on the Horizon: This Pandemic Will End
Exciting new breakthroughs in the search for a COVID-19 vaccine.
The Hope and Healing Flag Project
Residents create flags with messages of hope and goodwill.
Disturbing Trending of Key COVID-19 Metrics
The number of individuals hospitalized due to the virus is increasing.
NC Expanding Face Covering Requirements
No Deerfield policies will change with Executive Order 180.
Considering Gathering or Visiting with Others?
Have open conversations about COVID-19 prevention in advance.
How COVID-19 Spreads
CDC updates public information regarding the modes of transmission.
Safer Holiday Celebrations during COVID-19
Show your love for friends and family by protecting yourself.
Infection Control-Focused State Survey of the Health Center
Our COVID-19 Care Units, “sets a standard for other care facilities.”
Riverwalk Café & Marketplace
Deerfield was featured in Senior Dining News for their innovative updates.
Deerfield Provides Support to MemoryCare
Deerfield’s $25,000 gift will help fulfill MemoryCare’s mission.
NCDHHS SlowCOVIDNC App is Now Available
This is a powerful tool to protect ourselves and our community.
$25,000 Awarded to Council on Aging of Buncombe County
Deerfield’s commitment to seniors in WNC is evidenced by this gift.
Whatever Your Reason, Get Behind the Mask
Help to reduce the spread of COVID-19 by wearing a mask.
Calvary Food Pantry Awarded $25,000 from Deerfield
COVID-19 has created a new client base that need our help.
Executive Order 163: Phase 2.5 Easing of Restrictions
No Deerfield policies have changed as a result of this Order.
PLEASE Get Your Flu Shot!
It is more important than ever to get a flu shot.
Worry Not About Catching COVID-19 from Food
Some welcome news!
Deerfield Contributes $100,000 to CFWNC’s SUN Grant Program
The SUN program is established and has a great track record.
Encouraging Improvements in NC’s Key COVID-19 Metrics
Improved trending in key metrics is a wonderful development.
5 Tips to Help You Stay Active During the Pandemic
It is important to make time for yourself and your health.
Anticipating the Convergence of COVID-19 & Seasonal Influenza
Behavioral changes to curb COVID-19 may help to minimize flu season.
Continue to Practice the 3 W’s
WEAR a face covering, WAIT 6 feet apart, WASH one’s hands
Artist Abound at Deerfield
A perfect way to pass the time during social distancing.
COVID-19 Antigen Test Devices
Two types of COVID-19 tests exist: diagnostic and antibody.
NC “Safer at Home” Phase 2
NC extends Phase 2 for an additional three weeks, at minimum.
Dedicated COVID-19 Care Unit
Deerfield opens COVID-19 Care Unit within the Skilled Nursing facility.
Assessing the Risk of Socializing
Social distancing during COVID-19 can be excruciating to bear.
Outdoor Group Exercise Opportunities
Outdoor exercise is a safe and responsible COVID-era activity.
Tips & Tricks to Avoid Face Touching
Completely abstaining from touching one’s face is an unlikely goal.
Spotlight on the 3rd “W”: WASH Your Hands Often
We must continue to prioritize effective behaviors like frequent hand hygiene.
Spotlight on the 2nd “W”: WAIT 6 Feet Apart
Social distancing is critical to mitigating the spread of the coronavirus.
Travel in the COVID-Era
Keep safety in mind every step of the way.
Outstanding Review by Infection Control-Focused State Survey
Deerfield’s COVID-19 Response Plan yields no deficiencies!
Spotlight on the 1st “W”: WEAR Your Mask
Mask wearing in public places has become a crucial mitigation response.
Coronavirus Quilt Made with a Mother’s Love
Wall hanging made from scraps of fabric from the facemask project.
Deerfield’s Cotton Facemask Project
Hundreds of masks have been produced and distributed.
Deerfield’s Response to “Safer at Home” Executive Order 141
Deerfield remains cognizant of our special situation as a CCRC.
Heros Work at Deerfield
A HEROES sign at our entrance honors our dedicated employees.
CDC Expands List of COVID-19 Symptoms
Six additional symptoms have been added to the CDC list.
Impact of COVID-19
Months of research and teamwork have prepared us for this challenge.
It’s Okay to Play Croquet!
Covid-19 transmission is low risk with social distancing, masks and disinfecting.
Realistic Expectations for the Future of COVID-19
It is imperative to avoid the temptation of complacency.
Elucidating COVID-19 Decision-Making at Deerfield
The Deerfield COVID-19 Task Force collaborates to establish COVID-19-related policy.
Wear, Wait, and Wash
WEAR a mask. WAIT 6 feet apart. WASH your hands often.
Local Health Department Clarifies Guidelines – COVID-19
Social gatherings are not currently permitted in Deerfield’s public spaces.
Tips for Staying Healthy While Staying Home During COVID-19
Steps that you can take to maintain your health and well-being.
Elevator Etiquette in the Time of COVID-19
One day we will be able to be close together again.
Committed to Protecting Our Residents – COVID-19 Response
Keeping our residents and staff safe is our primary concern.
Deerfield’s Cotton Facemask Project – COVID-19
Residents and staff are creating facemasks for everyone at Deerfield!
COVID-19 – Self-Quarantine & Self-Isolation
The bottom line is stay home and stay safe.
The Skinny on Gloves – COVID 19
Gloves are an indispensable tool when utilized properly.
COVID-19 Healthcare Initiative
Deerfield thermometers have been distributed to residents and employees.
Deerfield’s Response to COVID-19
Deerfield is committed to keeping residents informed of COVID-19 cases.
COVID-19: Tips & Tricks for Safer Grocery Shopping
Always keep 6 feet of distance between yourself and others.
COVID-19: You can help flatten the curve.
Stay home if you are feeling unwell, even just a little…
Deerfield Closely Monitoring and Preparing for COVID-19
All group events, activities, and outings are cancelled or postponed.