What is the meaning of Life Care at Deerfield?
Deerfield’s Life Care concept offers its residents unique health care benefits, as well as significant financial advantages and security. The Life Care benefit assures the availability of long-term nursing care or assisted living in the Deerfield on-site health center at the same monthly rate as in the apartment or cottage.
The resident has to pay only for the additional meals per day during the stay in any level of care in the Deerfield Health Care Center and any ancillary health care services not included in the Monthly Fee. Upgraded accommodations in health care are available at an additional charge.
What types of residences does Deerfield offer?
Deerfield offers three mid-rise apartment buildings, cottages homes, cluster homes, and villas. There are a variety of floorplans ranging in size from 800 SF to 2,565 SF.
Deerfield is a smoke-free campus.
How many people live at Deerfield?
Deerfield currently has over 630 residents across the entire campus.
Is Deerfield an accredited community?
Yes, Deerfield is an accredited community. Accreditation is a sign of quality and is an important consideration in one’s decision making. The Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) International has surveyed hundreds of thousands of programs throughout the world since it was founded as an independent, nonprofit accreditor in 1966. The value of accreditation goes beyond a competitive distinction for service providers and a framework for continuous quality improvement.
CARF has certified that Deerfield meets and or exceeds its conformance to the standards, and named Deerfield as an accredited CCRC. For more information, go to: http://www.carf.org/Accreditation
Deerfield does not discriminate in its employment or housing practices on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, marital status, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or any other basis provided by applicable law.
What are the features of the residences? Are any changes allowed?
The apartments and cottages feature wall-to-wall carpeting, numerous closets and storage areas, fully-equipped kitchens, utility rooms, washer and dryer, bathrooms with tub and/or shower and vanities, emergency call system with 24-hour security and emergency health care assistance, fire and smoke detectors, individualized heating and air-conditioning systems for each residence, lever door handles, pre-wired cable, Wi-Fi, telephone and computer modem outlets, and a patio or balcony.
Residents may reflect their own personal tastes in their furnishings and decorating; however, any structural changes must be approved by management and are the financial responsibility of the resident.
What kind of common areas and amenities does Deerfield offer?
A community center and wellness center comprise most of the common areas and amenities. These include a large, comfortable lobby/reception area, a casual dining Bistro, a well-appointed formal dining room, private dining rooms, beverage lounge, Riverwalk Cafe, Riverwalk Spa, outdoor terraces, guest rooms, library, a large multipurpose room, a bank, billiards/poker room, enclosed aquatic therapy center and lap pool, woodworking shop, arts and crafts studio, fiber arts studio, pottery studio and kiln, classroom, computer lab, aerobics and exercise/weight room, croquet court, beauty and barber salon, Sophie’s Store, and physical/occupational therapy. Deerfield is one of the few retirement communities to have its own free-standing chapel, St. Giles Chapel, and a chaplain as a staff member. Services are held in the chapel every Wednesday afternoon and Sunday, as well as on special occasions.
What about meals?
Deerfield offers its residents the finest quality of food and dining services.
The Bistro, an informal cafe environment, provides convenient serving hours, buffet-style service, and “take-out” meals. Enjoy breakfast or a light lunch in our Riverwalk Cafe. For a more intimate dining experience with waited service, residents may reserve a table in the Fine Dining Room on specified evenings (will re-open soon). Residents may entertain guests as frequently as they wish; reservations are requested for guests. Private dining rooms are available for residents to use for special occasions, and the terrace is available for outdoor dining.
What types of fees are paid by residents for Deerfield’s Life Care?
As common in most non-profit retirement communities, the residents of Deerfield invest in a one-time Entrance Fee upon occupancy and an ongoing Monthly Service Fee. These fees vary depending upon the size of residence selected and the number of occupants.
What is the Entrance Fee? Is it refundable?
The Entrance Fee entitles the resident to the exclusive right to occupy the residence and to use and enjoy the common areas, amenities, programs and services at Deerfield, including health center facilities.
The Standard Entrance Fee Plan provides for reimbursement for any resident who leaves the community for any reason within 48 months of occupancy. Under this plan, the Entrance Fee declines at 2% per month for each month of occupancy during the initial 48 months plus a one time 4% non-refundable charge.
For those who wish a return on their investment beyond the four-year period and are age-eligible (available to residents less than 85 years of age at move-in), Deerfield offers two Refundable Entrance Fee Plans: a 50% Refund and a 90% Refund. These have higher Entrance Fees, yet provide the indicated refund upon leaving, no matter how long a resident lives at Deerfield
The 50% Refundable Entrance Fee Plan prorates the reimbursement for any resident leaving the community for any reason during the first 23 months at 2% per month plus a 4% non-refundable charge. After 23 months of occupancy, the refund is never less than 50% of the Entrance Fee paid.
The 90% Refundable Entrance Fee Plan prorates the reimbursement for any resident leaving the community for any reason during the first 6 months at 1% per month plus a 4% non-refundable charge. After 6 months of occupancy, the refund is never less than 90% of the Entrance Fee paid.
The Entrance Fee is based on the size of the residence. An additional Entrance Fee is charged for a second resident.
What is included in the Monthly Fee?
The Monthly Fee entitles Deerfield residents to enjoy the following services, programs, and amenities:
- One meal per day in your choice of dining venues
- Special diets and to-go meals
- All utilities, except telephone and cable television
- 24-hour security staff and systems
- Weekly housekeeping
- Indoor and outdoor maintenance
- Grounds keeping
- Lighted parking (including some under building parking)
- Planned social, spiritual, recreational, educational, and cultural activities
- Scheduled transportation for local medical appointments and shopping
- Chaplain services and pastoral care
- Arts programs and activities
- Arts and crafts studios
- Aquatic Center
- Health and Wellness Center
- Exercise and wellness programs with personal trainers
- Additional storage space
- On-site Simonds Health Care Center with assisted living in Haden Hall and skilled nursing accommodations
- 24-hour emergency assistance
- Routine clinic services
- Dog Park
- Fun, freedom, and peace of mind
The Monthly Fee varies according to the size of the residence. An additional Monthly Fee is charged for a second resident.
Is the Monthly Fee subject to change?
Yes. Deerfield will adjust fees at a rate that reflects costs of operation and maintenance of appropriate reserves on a sound financial basis. Notification of any increase in the Monthly Fee is given to all residents no less than 30 days in advance. This adjustment generally occurs on an annual basis.
Are there tax advantages to Life Care?
Yes. The Internal Revenue Service allows residents to deduct the portion of both the Entrance Fee and the Monthly Fee that goes toward paying medical expenses. The Entrance Fee deduction is taken in the year the fee is paid; the monthly fee deduction is ongoing. The deductible amount is calculated annually by Deerfield and provided to our residents. Residents should contact their personal tax advisor regarding this deduction.
What health care services and accommodations are available in the Deerfield health center?
Deerfield is committed to providing a full continuum of health services and licensed nursing care. To achieve that goal, Deerfield provides the following:
Assisted Living: Assisted Living for residents who need assistance in the activities of daily life is provided in our on-site health center in 62 assisted living suites, private residences with living room, bedroom, full bath and kitchenette.
Skilled Nursing Care: For recuperative, long or short-term nursing care needs, the Simonds Health Care Center provides residents with 24-hour care, accommodations, and services for skilled nursing in 62 rooms. An innovative neighborhood design provides a reassuring residential atmosphere. All areas of Health Services are under the direct supervision and responsibility of a licensed administrator, the Director of Health Care Services, and the Medical Director, a licensed physician, to assure quality care.
24-Hour Emergency Assistance: Deerfield’s nursing staff is available 24 hours per day, 365 days a year and is accessible to residents for assistance or consultation. The emergency call system located in each home summons both nursing and security.
Deerfield Clinic: Deerfield provides clinical services for residents at scheduled times for consultation, medication administration, treatments, and prescribed therapies. There are charges for some services.
In-Home Supportive Care: Deerfield’s In-Home Supportive Care includes delivered meals, assistance with bathing, grooming and dressing, medication or medical treatments, routine temperature, blood pressure and pulse rate checks, or other support services on a temporary basis. There are additional charges for some in-home assistance services.
Therapies: Deerfield provides specially designed areas for speech, occupational, physical, and hydrotherapies is located in the wellness center and staffed by licensed therapists. There are charges for these services.
Deerfield is indeed fortunate to have joined forces with MAHEC (Mountain Area Health and Education Center) to provide Deerfield residents with on-site physician care through MAHEC’s Family Medicine Program. MAHEC is a member of the North Carolina AHEC system, one of the oldest and most extensive AHEC systems in the country. Through this program, residents have access to a team of providers, including a nurse practitioner and two physicians. The Deerfield Clinic is staffed five mornings a week, Monday through Friday.
In-Home Supportive Care
Deerfield’s In-Home Supportive Care includes delivered meals, assistance with bathing, grooming and dressing, medication or medical treatments, routine temperature, blood pressure and pulse rate checks, or other support services on a temporary basis. There are additional charges for some in-home assistance services. Deerfield provides specially designed areas for speech, occupational, physical, and hydrotherapies is located in the wellness center and staffed by licensed therapists. There are charges for these services.
What about Emergency Medical Treatment?
Emergency medical treatment and specialized services are available at Mission Hospital, only a short drive from Deerfield. Mission is the primary medical center for all of Western North Carolina and includes a trauma center and the outstanding Owen Heart Center. Mission Health has been named a Top 15 health system in the nation by Truven Health Analytics. Other area hospitals include AdventHealth and Pardee. Specialized rehabilitation services are available at nearby CarePartners Rehabilitation Hospital.
Can a resident be admitted directly to health care, bypassing independent living?
Yes. Deerfield accepts direct admissions into both the Assisted Living center and the Skilled Nursing center, but only if there is space available without jeopardizing the needs of Deerfield’s residents. Such admissions are subject to the current fees for health care and are not qualified for Life Care. Residents desiring direct admission to the health center follow the stated admissions procedures for applicants for residency.
Does Deerfield allow pets?
Yes, pets are permitted in independent living cottages and apartments, upon approval by management and subject to Deerfield’s stated pet policies. In addition, Deerfield’s health center incorporates a progressive, healthful environment of care and philosophy into residents’ daily lives through pet therapy.
Is there a wait list?
Yes. Deerfield has a Future Resident Program, which ensures future residents a priority position for the residence of their choice, as well as benefits of access to meals, programs, and facilities, and priority for admission to the on-site health center should care be needed before moving to Deerfield. The $2,000 Future Residency fee is applicable to the Entrance Fee, but does not “lock in” the Entrance Fee.
To meet the admissions requirements for Life Care, a resident must be 62 years of age or older, in generally good health, ambulatory, able to live independently without assistance, and free of any communicable disease. Deerfield does not discriminate with respect to sex, race, religion, or place of origin.
To become a resident at Deerfield, you are invited to sign up for the Wait List by filling out the Future Resident Agreement.