Keith Einsmann – 2023 Engineer of the Year

We are honored to share the news with you that Keith Einsmann, Director of Facility Services at Deerfield, received the Engi­neer of the Year award at the 71st Annual Conference of the NC Healthcare Engineers Association on August 3, 2023.

Those of us at Deerfield see Keith’s innovative and valuable work every day. We know that with his leadership, his team will respond to emergencies quickly and effi­ciently. We have witnessed amazing responses from water crisis to developing inno­vative ways to overcome disparaging effects of a pandemic.

We recognize Keith and his accomplishments, but we aren’t the only ones. Keith was nominated by District 1 of the NCHEA. The association breaks NC into 4 districts and each district chooses a nominee to be voted on by the Board. We are thrilled to see him recognized by this prestigious organization.

The NCHEA is a non-profit organization which focuses on education and innovation among its members. Members share their expertise with one another and volunteer their time. Keith took on the role of NCHEA treasurer for the past year and has spent many hours in this duty. As he mentioned in his acceptance speech, Keith is commit­ted to bringing younger and less experienced engineers into the association to broad­en discourse.

The organization is also committed to their larger community and this year donated $13,000 to their community partner Second Harvest Food Bank.

The NCHEA falls under the umbrella of ASHE (American Society of Healthcare Engi­neers) and is the largest state chapter in the country. The NCHEA offers frequent meetings and conferences for members with 560 individuals attending this year’s con­ference. Representatives attended from most hospitals and CCRCs across the state. DSHR, the Division of Health Services Regulation, attends each year as well.

Join us in congratulating Keith Einsmann, NCHEA Engineer of the Year!

Watch the video about Keith’s nomination and award below.